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Joining the Club IS SIMPLE
We strongly recommend you attend a New Members' Information Night to help you better understand the Club and our culture. We run them o
nce a month, so people interested in joining the club learn more details on the activities of the Club, ask questions as well as what happens once you join. These are done on Zoom, typically the second Wednesday of the month. 

Visit the Events page to see when the next one is being held, and to sign up.

New members join as 'Prospective Members' with an annual fee of $55. Prospective Members must satisfy SBW Qualifying Requirements by attending certain walks and the Basic Skills Workshop before they can apply for Full Membership. Prospective membership is valid for one year and you must be 18 or older to join.

Grose Valley, Blue Mountains NP      

Photo: Peter Cai      

In your 12 months of prospective membership, you need to complete three “Q” walks and do a Basic Skills Workshop to become a Full Member. The Q walks are reasonably difficult, at least 6 hours of walking and a combination of steep climbs, off-track walking, rock hopping and rock scrambling. They must be with different leaders and at least one must be overnight.

The Basic Skills Workshop is a full day of training held at Centennial Park and covering First Aid, Navigation and Bushcraft. In each case the training is not to reach a degree of competence in the field, but to have enough knowledge to not get into trouble. The workshops are run by experienced members of the club and are a great way to meet club members and other prospectives.

Once you join, you will have access to the online Activities Program where you can review what is on offer and request to attend a walk and other  activities. Prospective members can do any walk on the program, subject to the leader’s consent, but can’t put walks on the program.

The Activities program has a detailed description of the walks grading system. Members receive a weekly update with short notice walks, and can access combined program on the website that has both the quarterly program (see below) and the short notice walks.

f you think that SBW is a good fit for your abilities please join here

Quarterly activities Program:

Bald Head, Grose Valley, Blue Mountains NP      

Photo: Tom Brennan      

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